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User ID Verification


The primary goal of this application redesign was to reduce the drop-off rate during the personal loan application process, particularly at the ID verification step, which had the highest abandonment rate. A secondary objective was to eventually apply the improvements made to the verification step across all other applications on the site.

Spring Financial's analytics revealed a major drop-off point in our Personal Loan application during the document upload stage. Using design thinking, I identified that this stage felt more like a commitment for users, turning exploration into a more absolute process. There was also the issue of not having an in-application camera scanner to upload the users ID forcing them to exit the application to take a photo of their identification.


UX Designer


Figma, FullStory


2 months


Exploration & Discovery

User Personas

At this stage, we had a clear understanding of who our users were, but I wanted to create a comprehensive user persona to capture as many user types as possible. This would help us identify additional pain points we could address in the current redesign or in future iterations.


UX Audit

Since the ID verification step was already part of a complete application process, it was crucial to conduct a UX audit of this step to identify any potential pitfalls and areas for improvement.


Main Issues Identified

  • No indication of which documents the user will need to provide upfront. This results in frustration and multiple trips to retrieve documents. 

  • The tips for uploading are not visual, therefore not quickly recognizable resulting in failed uploads and frustration. 

  • A camera icon was used for 'Upload Your ID' CTA which is visually confusing as the user was unable to use their camera for this process. it only allowed them to upload an existing image within their camera roll.

Things That Worked

  • Giving users the ability to skip this step and come back to it.


UX Design Process

Wireframes & Iterations


Version 1

This version is keeping things very similar to the original design, but making a few key changes to the tips and guide for taking the image.

Key Things to Note

Updated the icon and language of the Scan and Upload CTAs

Make uploading tips visual to reduce the amount of documents uploaded that are not usable.


Key Things to Note

Updated the icon and language of the Scan and Upload CTAs

Make uploading tips visual to reduce the amount of documents uploaded that are not usable.

Version 2

Completely change the flow of this process by adding a complete document breakdown right at the beginning. Show the users exactly what they will be asked to upload so if they need to get up and get these documents, they can do it in one trip reducing frustration and drop off.

Key Things to Note

Provide clear indication of what we're asking the users to provide

Keep the ability to skip this step, as well as both upload an existing image or take a new one through the application


Key Things to Note

Take the user back to the main base showing documents that are still needed

Also show the steps that. have been completed, allowing them to go back at any time


Key Things to Note

Clearly show what image they scanned or uploaded

Give the user a simple way to remove the image and re-upload or scan


Final Designs


Within the first two months of launching the changes to the verification step, Spring saw a ~33% decrease in drop-off rates at this stage of the application. This success allowed us to apply the improvements to the other three applications on the website, achieving both our primary and secondary goals.

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